Christ Church Brenham is officially launched! Most of you know, but for any new friends out there, that is why Casey and I moved here, to start a new church with our friends the Hyde's. A small group of us have been meeting since January in our homes, over meals, praying, studying and preparing to start a new church in Brenham. Sunday, September 9th, 2007 Christ Church Brenham opened it's doors for the first time. It was a beautiful service. Simple. Humble. Reverent.
As we prepared for communion, we were encouraged to remember the great work God has done, starting from Scripture, from Genesis, following the story all the way to our own personal lives. Time and again God's people see Him do miraculous, beautiful things in Egypt and in the wilderness, only to forget and turn their backs on Him. This is the theme of Psalm 78. God rescues, He performs powerful signs and wonders, He provides....His people marvel at His greatness, but almost in an instant, they forget and sin against Him...God forgives...God is faithful. We are no different now. We are equally forgetful. God is equally faithful.
After this reflection during communion and after reading through Psalm 78, I began writing down a list of the blessings God has so generously bestowed upon me. I am sure there are things that I have foolishly forgotten, but when I inevitably encounter difficult times in the future, I hope that this list will come to the forefront of my mind and remind me that God always provides, He always protects. We have a beautiful history together and I have no reason to be afraid.
I remember:
- He saved me and revealed to me that there was more to Him than religion would suggest.
- On my wedding day He was as near to me as I have ever experienced. He comforted me with the knowledge that He is the Guardian and Protector of our marriage. We trust in Him alone.
- He answered our prayers, and gave us a beautiful, healthy baby girl.
- Time after time He has provided for us financially in amazing, unexpected ways.
- He has blessed us with friends who love Him and love us and encourage us towards Him.
- When my heart has been hard or distant towards Him, I cannot escape Him, He is always chasing me and reminding me of Himself.
- He paved the way for us to move to Brenham.
- He instantly provided meaningful friendships here in Brenham, while strengthening our friendships back home.
- He has "renewed a steadfast spirit within me, He has "restored to me the joy of His salvation." (Psalm 51)
- Christ Church, Brenham was born.
1 comment:
Thanks, Steph. That was encouraging to me today. I keep thinking, Sure, God has been faithful in the past, but probably won't be this time...doesn't make much sense.
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