Man. He was preaching my face off. Literally. I was cleaning with a normal face on. And then, by the middle of the sermon, I'm not cleaning at all and my face was all distorted and scowlish...just cause I am thinking so hard. There were tears at one point. Sigh... It's like he takes your heart and shakes it real hard...but in a good way.
A couple quotes:
"Jesus didn't come to serve your unregenerate appetites. He came to give you new appetites."
"Jesus came into the world not to GIVE bread, but to BE bread."
All this to say...I've had much to think about. Pray about. I enjoy cleaning with Dr. Piper. You should try it.
Coincidentally, today I had my first go at baking homemade bread. I've been thinking about it for a long time now. Been putting it off. But this week beef stew was on the menu (also a first for me) and I thought, what goes better with beef stew than fresh homemade bread? Nothin'.
I got the recipe from a very experienced bread-making friend, Amy, who used to live here in Brenham. This gal makes the most delicious bread ever and it looks so beautiful. Perhaps there are simpler, more beginner-appropriate recipes that I could have chosen, but my heart was set on Amy's. So that's what I did.
Let me bread wasn't Amy bread or anything' wasn't half bad, my friends. It was NOT HALF BAD! The texture was just about right...could have used maybe one more minute in the oven, and it needed a little salt, but other than that, I was very pleased with my first attempt at bread-making. :)
Before the oven.
I think traditionally, you are supposed to do a 6-strand braid, but I thought I'd better not get crazy. So just 3 strands for me.
I think traditionally, you are supposed to do a 6-strand braid, but I thought I'd better not get crazy. So just 3 strands for me.
The first loaf. LOOK! It looks like bread! Who woulda thought?
The second loaf. It looks like a mummy. But tastes like bread. :)
Amy...thanks so much for this recipe and for the inspiration! We miss you!
Steph...that's awesome! Congrats on the beautiful mummy bread. It looks great! Amy...I miss you too!
I love it: "Looks like a mummy, but tastes like bread!" I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing!
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