1. Casey will be there all week for school and because I don't want to be in Brenham all week by myself, I am going to join him on Wednesday.
2. We have a Fundraising Dinner for HaMoreh on Friday night.
3. I didn't get to see our families on Mother's Day so we will celebrate that, along with some other silly event that shall remain nameless at this time.
4. On Sunday, we will leave our baby girl behind (at Nonnie and Bop's), Casey and I will come to Brenham for church, and then Monday morning we will head to a friend's lake house for a couple of quiet, relaxing days. (The real reason is so Casey can write and prepare for summer, but I will be doing a lot of relaxing! Yea!)
Ok, so back to the point of this post...my quest for a complete ensemble!
A couple of weekends ago I got this dress from the Gap: (I'm not sure why The Gap cut that girl's head off, she seems like a very attractive girl.)

I tried it on just for fun, but then I saw that it was big time on sale so I impulse-bought it. Anyways, it turned out to be a great purchase, because...as I have just mentioned above, I have a Dinner to go to on Friday. Perfect!
So, at some point over the weekend, I started daydreaming about "completing my outfit"...like with shoes and jewelry and a handbag...like, it would actually all go together! I NEVER shop this way. If I get a new outfit, I always consider if I have shoes that will go with it before I buy it. If I happen to have jewelry that would look nice, bonus...otherwise, I'm sporting the minimalist look.
On Sunday, I asked this dear friend, for a little shoe advice, you know...just in case, there is a chance that I could maybe, get some shoes. Of course, she had super cute suggestions, and so my daydreaming was nudged into actual wanting. I started looking around online, you know, just browsing, and I just happened to peek at (meaning: tried on) a few pieces of footwear during my trip to College Station today.
I was just chatting with my sweet husband, and I mentioned to him this very serious dilemma of my ensemble being incomplete. He was nearly brought to tears over my wardrobe injustice. Being the gentle and doting husband that he is, he gave me a handsome, but reasonable budget and his blessing to accessorize! YEA!
I am so excited about my (dramatic voice here) Quest for Fashion!!! I will be sure to tell you how it goes and post a picture of my Complete Look :) And yes, I totally get the gross irony that I am fussing about my outfit for a dinner where we will hear about people in Africa who have nothing. Don't judge!...I have a future engagement where I will be sure to utilize my purchases...my 10 year reunion! Can you believe it?! UGH! I think it even says on the invitation YOU MUST WEAR FABULOUS SHOES! (Yes, yes it does, I just checked). And, I will definitely only look/buy things that can be worn with more than just this dress. There. Perfectly justified.
Anyways...wish me luck! And to my dear and helpful friend...I'll probably be calling you to consult! You know I need help with that coordinating, but not too matchy thing! :)
FYI, Friends -
The Unmentionable activity on #3 is Steph's birthday. She will be 28!!!
That is a great dress! I bet that color looks fabulous on you!
I was going to ask if it was your birthday and then read Casey's comment.
You must have been 13 when I met you...
Have a great time shopping and at the Lake House. You will look great in the dress.
And remember it could be worse, my 30th high school reunion will be in 2009...I am glad the heathen girl has matured into a daughter of Christ, I just wish I weighed what the heathen girl weighed...the great dance weight of 110 lbs.
Happy Birthday!
Mrs Annette
super cute. I was wondering what the dress looked like after hearing you guys talking about it. It helps me to know what to wear as well.
can't wait to hangout tonight :)
i was already bummed about missing church. but i also missed a shoe shopping convo? now i'm really depressed.
my new yellow earrings would be fun. i also have some bright yellow, very high heels. size 6?
if you're not feeling the neon vibe, bronze would be very pretty. bronze high heel sandals, a wood bracelet, any earrings you want. that's my vote.
i'll whip up some birthday brownies before prayer meeting. with a little more time i would have made a cake! i'd better get this on my calendar for next year.
We were just talking about your lack of complete ensembles last week! I'm glad you solved the dillema and very excited to see what you come up with :] I'm very sad though because I have to be back in Brenham Saturday for practice and the Cease family will not be there for me to play with! :[
Oh well, I hope yall have an absolutely FABULOUS weekend :]
You make me laugh outloud. I love the outfit and I'm sure you will get lots of wear out of it. I hope you post on your 10 year reunion when you have it - especially if it is as odd as mine was.
this is funny. can't wait to see your complete outfit. and happy 28th birthday! work it!
My dear Brenham friend!
I have been awful lately! I wish i had had more time in the recent weeks to have down time to hang out and even attempt a movie that i could invite you to come with. I am very sorry! I am leaving tomorrow to move back to other things and complete busy times!
I would love to see you before i leave. I will call you tomorrow and see if you have any free moments :)
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