Thursday, July 3, 2008

Me and Fitz Ain't Clickin'!

Has anybody read anything by F. Scott Fitzgerald? I'm reading The Beautiful and Damned, and I have to say, I'm struggling to continue. All the other authors have won my heart by the first chapter. Not so much with ol' Fitz.

I don't want to quit! I want to finish it! So, if anybody has read and enjoyed any of his work, please let me know! I need some encouragement to keep reading!

If you have read his work, and did not enjoy it, let me know that too...I'm curious to know your thoughts.


Sara Triana said...

I read The Great Gatsby, and it was incredible.

Abba's Girl said...

The only work of his I finished was The Great Gatsby. I liked it. I never finished any other books he wrote. Maybe at my age now, I would be more interested. I was the same way w/ Dickens - loved some of his books, disliked others.

Peter said...

I too have only read the Great Gatsby, and it is classic, amazing, took me just a bit to get into it, but may have been since I had to read it in high school. Now Darles Chickens I am still not sure if I could get into his writing.

mandi said...

again- my vote goes for the great gatsby. but he has a way different voice then a lot of the writers you dig (and wrote in a different period about a different period). have you tried kate chopin?
i think we should have a book club! i love talking lit with you!

Steph said...

:::GASP::: A book club?! My heart is all aflutter!

Just say the word and I am in!

Steph said...

Oh yes, and...I think I'll keep reading. I just haven't gotten into a grove yet. It'll happen. It'll happen. :)

Jenny said...

Yes, I would love me some good book clubbin' but alas, out in the boonies of Clifton I haven't come across the Book Clubbin' type. Plus my poor husband is apart of our two people book club automatically because I just have to discuss all the nuances of the settings, characters and storyline as I am reading it and, yes, he just has to listen, and sweetly does. I have not read any Fitz, but now I am curious. THe series I just finished was The Mark of the Lion by Francine Rivers that is set in Roman times a few decades after CHrist has risen and follows a young Jewish Christian woman as she becomes a household slave to a prestigious Roman family and in everyday ways shares her faith. Also, another note, have you seen The Jane Austen Book Club? It is now available on DVD and, i think, a good watch if you like book clubs and/or Jane Austen. Happy reading.

Kathy W. said...

I also loved The Great Gatsby. My all time favorite classics are Les Miserables and The Brothers Karamazov, though. Both of which have some bits you've just got to slog through. I'd love to see what you think of Karamazov. It's got a famous lambast of Christianity in one passage, yet the "hero" of the story is devout and remains so.