Tuesday, June 3, 2008

South Padre: Day 2

Ahhh....it's been another long day, but a great one. For starters, I am feeling much better! Thanks everyone for all the well wishes! Thankfully, my husband has no qualms about calling the doc for a prescription. So last night, I took my first dose and I was already feeling better by this morning. Regarding Braelyn's hives, they don't seem to be bothering her too much, but they did flare up this afternoon. There is a camp nurse who has some Benadryl if we need it. So far so good though.

We got up this morning about 7, watched a Blue's Clues (actually Braelyn watched it and we snoozed), and then got some breakfast. After breakfast, Casey had a short meeting and while he was doing that Braelyn and I headed to the pool. Soon, Casey joined us. I got to lay out for all of 30 seconds and then we decided to walk on the beach. Braelyn had never been to the beach before, so I was excited to see how she liked it.

After a few minutes of assessing the risk, she decided she could get her feet wet, but even just standing in the three inch waves knocked her down. That only happened twice and then she took up shell collecting instead. This was big fun! She could not pass up a single shell and she gave daddy the job of rinsing them off, one by one. Some pics:

This one's for you Cynthia. No photoshop required!
After a few minutes of this we cleaned up a little, grabbed some lunch and the whole family took a nap. Glorious!

Now, the campers were spending the entire day at Schliterbahn. That, to me, sounds like a nightmare. We were invited to do the same, but I could just imagine Braelyn after literally, 7 hours at the water park. Just shoot me. Anyways, we were happy to join them after nap time, which is what we did, giving us about 2 hours there, tops! Perfect.

Ok, so it's been a really long time since I've been to a water park. I couldn't quite remember what to do. I wore my brown, white polka dotted, one-piece bathing suit (which I love, btw), my brown strapless cover up, and sporty flip flops that could be worn in the water. It started to dawn on me that I might have to walk around in just my bathing suit like all the other fools in this place! Gross! Now, I'm not being overly modest here or anything. I can be in public in my bathing suit. But, if one must be only in their bathing suit, walking around and other non-water activities should be kept to a minimum, in my correct opinion. At the water park, you're walkin' around all over the place, you're eating, you're climbing stairs...in nothing but your bathing suit!

For a while I kept my cover up and flip flops on, and only took them off when we encountered something in which I was required to get wet, but this soon became ridiculous and I was forced to abandon them. Feeling quite exposed, I suggested the Lazy River. Perfect. You're in the water. You float. You relax. Nothing too scary for Braelyn.

Ok, so this is what I was expecting the Lazy River to be...

And this, my friends, is what it actually was!...

What?! Since when is the LAZY river the circle of death? Casey and I, innocent and unsuspecting, hopped into our double inner tube, plopped Braelyn in my lap and were swept away into wild, raging rapids against our will! After we hit the first little bit, I think to myself, "Should I have gotten her one of those life jackets that are hanging all over the place?" Sure enough, I see a sign (after we're already sailing along, mind you) "Weak swimmers should be wearing a life jacket." Crap! Bless her heart, Braelyn did pretty well, considering, but after we would swish and slide around, she would say, "All done! All done!" I would have gotten out immediately, of course, but it's a trap! You have to endure 4 or 5 phases of the wild, raging rapids before there's an outlet. I felt so bad for her. After that, we stayed in the baby pool with the showering mushroom and a floating frog slide in 12 inches of water. Just our speed.

After dinner with the campers, we came back to the hotel. Casey went to speak and Braelyn and I got ready for bed. And that's where we are. :) After such a big day, I thought B might just dose right off. No such luck. But it didn't take quite as long as last night. It's progress.


Abba's Girl said...

Lazy river...HA! Glad you had a good day.

Mommy, M.D. said...

I'm with you on the swimsuit situation. Sort of like good naked and bad naked. lazy river: good. eating a chili dog: bad.

sorry to hear about braelyn's near death experience. sounds like she was very brave. on our trip there was a lazy river at the hotel. it wasn't too wild, but jonas was bouncing around in his tube and fell out once. he had on a lifejacket, but he was freaking out. justin and my mom were floating a little ways back, so i jumped in the water, still holding betty, to grab ahold of him. neither one of them was happy at that point! jonas wouldn't ride in his own tube the rest of the trip.

hopefully today will be uneventful!

Coffman Family said...

ha ha! Braelyn is so lucky to have THAT beach as her first beach experience. Where did you find a one piece you love? I will definitely be tossing all my bikinis...

Steph said...

I got this bathing suit at Macy's last year and I love it! It's flattering and not too mom-ish..I think. :)

Casey Cease said...

Amen, Honey. Your bathing suit is modest, yet HOT!


Anonymous said...

Ah the lazy river, it's like the retirement section of a waterpark. They should just call it Florida.

Can't say I agree you on the all-day wearing bathing suit situation. I love waterparks and being in my suit the entire time. Reminds me of my summer school days at Baylor with 8-11am class, break for 2 hr lunch at the apartment pool, then 2-5pm class. Just throw on a t-shirt and some flip-flops and I'm set. Unfortunately those days are long gone as Cynthia abhors it when I don't change out of my suit after hitting the pool. :(

Steph said...

Now Phil...
Regarding your first comment about the Lazy River...are you making fun of my daughter for being afraid of the Lazy River? Because this Lazy River was not so lazy! And she's 2, Phil! 2! She doesn't even like to get her head wet in the bath tub!

And as for your comment about bathing suits...would you like to walk around all day in a skin tight onesie with your cellulite and stretch marks exposed to all the world? I don't think so. I just don't think so.


Erica Dirba said...

Oh no, not the Circle of Death! haha although I feel very bad that Braelyn was traumatized, that was a very entertaining post :] I hope yall are having a wonderful summer, I miss yall!!!!!

mandi said...

hilarious!!! i like that i'm not alone in the whole bathing suit/water park fiasco. there is only so much skin my eyes can handle in one day. when you get back we'll have to go to this little waterpark near columbus that only has 12 inch deep water throughout. very fun!

glad your feeling better!

Mommy, M.D. said...

it's funny that you already think of her as 2. i do that too. as soon as they put their hands on their hips, stomp their foot and say "No!", then they're officially 2.

5 Chicks and a Farmer said...

Love the new look! I haven't visited the actual blog site for a while since I'm a subscriber:).

I hear you sister on the circle of death. I had all sorts of anxiety attacks in the Schlitterbahn (sp? not even going to care) Galveston river. I got separated from Jason and KK and it was not fun.